Friday, April 24, 2015

Child Photographer Cincinnati OH | First Communion Photos

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Another beautiful First Communicant.  It was an extremely windy day, but Miss E did a wonderful job in showing off her gorgeous dress and veil for her very special day.

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Monday, April 13, 2015

First Communion | Cincinnati Child Photographer

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A child's First Holy Communion is a very big day.  In the Catholic Church, it is the most important of the seven sacraments, and a lot of preparation goes into it, from both the student, teachers, and families.  The proud look on this little guys face says it all.  He is so excited for his special day!

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Thursday, April 9, 2015

Newborn Baby A | Newborn Photographer Cincinnati OH

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Baby A is finally here and what a cute little guy he is!  He is the now the fourth little boy in the Z family, and his big brothers couldn't be prouder. Just look at these sweet faces :)

Strong Little Man! 

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Saturday, April 4, 2015

6 month Baby V | Baby Photographer Cincinnati OH

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Baby V is 6 months already!  He smiled so much during our session, that if his mom told me he never fussed…EVER…I would totally believe her!  He was even teething and was all smiles!  Mom and Dad are BIG Reds fans!  She made this adorable quilt so we had to get some shots of the sweetest little Reds fan on it.  I think he's ready for Opening Day!  And I of course walked away with another treat.  Mom calls them Cowboy Cookies and they were DELICIOUS!!

Happy for Opening Day!

Hello Handsome!

This photo cracks me up.  Mom brought out this little chick that hops up and down and he was mesmerized:)

Some of the BEST cookies I've ever had!

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